Berufliche Erfahrung
Professional Experience

since 2007             G. Saratz Management, Pontresina
                            Board and Consulting Assignments in Strategy and Organisation

1982 - 2007           ICME International AG, Zürich
                            Partner, Consultant for Strategy, Organisation and IT

1979 - 1982           Inst. of Business Administration, ETH Zürich
                            Consultant for IT and Organisation.

1977 - 1978           Winzeler & Partners, Zürich
                            Energy Consulting in Industry and Trade

1975 - 1976           Ciba-Geigy Saudi Arabien (500 Employees)
                            Finance and Administration Manager

1974 - 1975          Ciba-Geigy AG, Basel
                            Assistant to the Group CFO

1972 - 1973           Schweiz. Bankgesellschaft, Zürich                                                          Finance Analyst

1971 - 1972           Elektrowatt Eng.  AG, Zürich
                            Operations Research, Computer-Simulations und -Optimisations